
Xavier Masero. Continents

Saturday, October 28 at 12 noon
Commented visit to the CONTINENTES exhibition and talk with its artist XAVIER MASERO

Xavier Masero is currently presenting the artistic installation CONTINENTS at the Museu del Càntir in Argentona and next Saturday, October 28, he will give us a talk to tell about it.

Joan Parramón. Macrocosmos & Microcosmos

A proposal around the universe, observing, entering from the inside, crossing its immensity from the vision of the macrocosm to that of the microcosm. An attempt to nourish ourselves with it, observing the tones, shapes, lights and mystery. The universe encompasses everything, it surrounds us in its greatness, and that is why we do these works as a tribute and as a request. Everything is in everything. Everything is connected. In both the microcosm and the macrocosm, we find examples of supreme simplicity and grandeur.

Rogeli Vilaplana. Arquitectures

This April we have the opportunity to see in the temporary exhibition room of the Museu del Càntir de Argentona a good collection of paintings by the Barcelona artist Rogeli Vilaplana

Rogeli Vilaplana was born in Barcelona in 1961.

25 años Revistart

The arts magazine Revistart celebrates 25 years and exhibits, at the Museu del Càntir, works by renowned artists that have been on the cover of its magazines over the years, such as Will Faber, Tharrats, Cuixart, Guinovart, Grau- Garriga and August Puig, along with other guest artists


Marta Duran. Jardí Pintat

Marta Duran makes a song to life with her floating gardens

Exhibition Maria Cusachs. Superfícies

A Superfícies, Maria Cusachs presenta les obres en quatre sèries: Moviments de superfície, Rotació, Plecs i Contactes. Obres realitzades en funció d'unes idees que es transformen durant el procés creatiu.

Pintures tàctils, de superfície, i en relació amb la natura. Maria Cusachs parla de marbres, aigua, reflexos, molses, teixits i en especial d'una naturalesa que és el fil conductor d'aquesta proposta.