Francesca Poza presents, at the Museu del Càntir d'Argentona,
an exhibition where fabrics are intertwined with words forming poetic works of great delicacy
"My work is always the fruit of a double movement, which advances outwards and inwards simultaneously. The action that gives shape to the work also corresponds to a modification of the intimate space, in such a way that the external and internal space are mutually reflected. From this uninterrupted dialogue its hybrid nature is born.
Olga Serral i Clarós. Cruïlla
Cruïlla is the title of the exhibition by artist Olga Serral i Clarós that can be seen in the exhibition hall of the Museu del Càntir until March 30.
The main protagonist of this exhibition is paper, a handmade paper that she makes herself using different production techniques and that becomes her way of expressing herself.
“A crossroads is a place where two or more paths cross.