
Geografia vital de Llorenç Soldevila
Opening of the exhibition in tribute to the founder of the Centre d'Estudis Argentonins, Llorenç Soldevila, followed by

Carme Porta. Alternança
“Alternation (Alternança)”, as its name indicates, means a change of direction, a turn or movement that

Oriol Calvo nou president de l'Acadèmia Internacional de Ceràmica
The director of the Museu del Càntir de Argentona, Oriol Calvo, is the new president of the International Academy of

Mònica Vilert. Seqüència continuada
"We could say that a sequence is a series of images that have no beginning or end. Therefore,

Eva Roučka. Records de la Xina
Eva Roučka is a multifaceted visual artist. Her work is mostly figurative, her typical works are monumental sculptures

Water Jug Festival "Festa del Càntir"
WATER JUG FESTIVAL - August 4th, Saint Dominic Day
The Grand Summer Festival in the village of Argentona,
Water Jug'24
Water jug year 2024 - Design Javier Mariscal
“The Càntir (water jug) is a refrigerator without batteries. It is an invention that is several thousand years old. It is portable and can be refilled; it is fragile and if handled carelessly it will break; it is shared with friends and, above all, it is humble, almost anonymous. In the summer heat, it sweats water like you. In the shade of a fig tree, the cool water from it is a jewel".
Sizes: 20 x 15 cm
Numbered copies: 5.000 exemplars
Price: 30 Euros
Available in store
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Nuri Negre. Llum i Foscor
El recull de peces presentades retraten el procés d’eclosió amb un sentit d'anticipació. Closques que revelen la nova vida emergent, plena de llum, metàfores del creixement personal, la transformació i la bellesa inherent que es troba en el procés d’eclosió. La interacció de la llum i la foscor en les obres afegeix una capa addicional de simbolisme que representa la dualitat de la vida i el cicle continu de naixement i renovació.