Pep Gómez. Orígens

Les peces de Pep Gómez són de caràcter reivindicatiu i alhora de record dels seus orígens.

Un gest lliure

Nuri Negre. Llum i Foscor


The collection of pieces presented portray the hatching process with a sense of anticipation. Shells that reveal new life emerging, full of light, metaphors for personal growth, transformation and the inherent beauty found in the hatching process. The interplay of light and dark in the works adds an additional layer of symbolism representing the duality of life and the continuous cycle of birth and renewal.

Pieces made with refractory stoneware (1250º), engalbes, oxides and gold luster.


Nuri Negre. Llum i Foscor


La recopilación de piezas presentadas retratan el proceso de eclosión con un sentido de anticipación. Cáscaras que revelan la nueva vida emergente, llena de luz, metáforas del crecimiento personal, la transformación y la belleza inherente que se encuentra en el proceso de eclosión. La interacción de la luz y la oscuridad en las obras añade una capa adicional de simbolismo que representa la dualidad de la vida y el continuo ciclo de nacimiento y renovación.



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Water Jug Festival "Festa del Càntir"

WATER JUG FESTIVAL - August 4th, Saint Dominic Day The Grand Summer Festival in the village of Argentona,

Water Jug'24

Water jug year 2024 - Design Javier Mariscal
“The Càntir (water jug) is a refrigerator without batteries. It is an invention that is several thousand years old. It is portable and can be refilled; it is fragile and if handled carelessly it will break; it is shared with friends and, above all, it is humble, almost anonymous. In the summer heat, it sweats water like you. In the shade of a fig tree, the cool water from it is a jewel".

Sizes: 20 x 15 cm
Numbered copies: 5.000 exemplars
Price: 30 Euros
Available in store



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