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End of the Poster Competition
Poster Contest
The Argentona Càntir Museum Board, after many years of holding a Poster Competition to provide the poster and graphic design for the Argentona fair, has decided to change course and now commission the poster from prestigious and emerging artists.
We would like to express our gratitude to all the participants who made this competition possible and to all those who contributed their creativity and effort.
The Argentona Càntir Museum Board, after many years of holding a Poster Competition to provide the poster and graphic design for the Argentona fair, has decided to change course and now commission the poster from prestigious and emerging artists.
We would like to express our gratitude to all the participants who made this competition possible and to all those who contributed their creativity and effort.
2023 Marc Torrecillas Planas
2022 Gemma Jiménez Martínez
2020 Cinta Fosch Perez (cartell que degut al COVID-19 va ser l'anunciant de la fira del 2021 en comptes del 2020)
2019 Jaume Arnau i Anastasi
2018 Xavier Ragull Gabarró
2017 Jaume Arnau i Anastasi
2016 Javier Torres
2015 Carla Aledo
2014 Natilles
2013 Xavier Rosales
2012 Eloi Botey
2011 Pablo Vazquez
2010 Sergi Sala
2009 Xavier Rosales
2008 Nicolas Eduardo Tomic
2007 Albert Esteve