71 "Festa del Càntir" 2021

Water jug year 2024 - Design Javier Mariscal
“The Càntir (water jug) is a refrigerator without batteries. It is an invention that is several thousand years old. It is portable and can be refilled; it is fragile and if handled carelessly it will break; it is shared with friends and, above all, it is humble, almost anonymous. In the summer heat, it sweats water like you. In the shade of a fig tree, the cool water from it is a jewel".
Sizes: 20 x 15 cm
Numbered copies: 5.000 exemplars
Price: 30 Euros
Available in store
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Exposició virtual dels cartells del 42 Concurs de Cartells Argillà Argentona 2022 - Fira internacional de ceràmica
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