Hola Ceràmica - Taller infantil: Dits petits, mans expertes: torneja el teu gerro
Dissabte 6 d'abril


Activitat adreçada a famílies en la que els infants podran realitzar el seu propi gerro al torn.

Ramon Llinés. Fugint de què i cap a on? Gravats

"Impressed by the news and images that arrived about boats adrift seeking refuge, I began to graphically express what I felt. These graphic notes became, a few years ago, the first engraving that I called the Refugee Series. The theme began to emerge. I became interested and looked for typical names from the countries of origin of many refugees such as Ethiopia, Eritrea, Somalia, Afghanistan, Syria... names that were also part of an engraving.

Ramon Llinés. Fugint de què i cap a on? Gravats

"Impresionado por las noticias e imágenes que llegaban sobre pateras a la deriva buscando refugio, empecé a expresar gráficamente lo que sentía. Estos apuntes gráficos se convirtieron, hace unos años, en el primer grabado al que llamé Serie sobre refugiados.  El tema empezó a interesarme y busqué nombres típicos de los países de origen de muchos refugiados como Etiopía, Eritrea, Somalia, Afganistán, Siria... nombres que también formaron parte de un grabado.



Olga Serral i Clarós. Cruïlla

Cruïlla is the title of the exhibition by artist Olga Serral i Clarós that can be seen in the exhibition hall of the

Geografia vital de Llorenç Soldevila

Opening of the exhibition in tribute to the founder of the Centre d'Estudis Argentonins, Llorenç Soldevila, followed by

Oriol Calvo nou president de l'Acadèmia Internacional de Ceràmica

The director of the Museu del Càntir de Argentona, Oriol Calvo, is the new president of the International Academy of

Mònica Vilert. Seqüència continuada

SEQÜÈNCIA CONTINUADA "We could say that a sequence is a series of images that have no beginning or end. Therefore,

Eva Roučka. Records de la Xina

Eva Roučka is a multifaceted visual artist. Her work is mostly figurative, her typical works are monumental sculptures

Water Jug Festival "Festa del Càntir"

WATER JUG FESTIVAL - August 4th, Saint Dominic Day The Grand Summer Festival in the village of Argentona,

Water Jug'24

Water jug year 2024 - Design Javier Mariscal
“The Càntir (water jug) is a refrigerator without batteries. It is an invention that is several thousand years old. It is portable and can be refilled; it is fragile and if handled carelessly it will break; it is shared with friends and, above all, it is humble, almost anonymous. In the summer heat, it sweats water like you. In the shade of a fig tree, the cool water from it is a jewel".

Sizes: 20 x 15 cm
Numbered copies: 5.000 exemplars
Price: 30 Euros
Available in store



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