Transversalitats en ceràmica contemporània II

07/07/2023 to 31/12/2025


If something is common in contemporary ceramics, and in a good part of current art, it is its transversality, since there are several aesthetic paths that constantly cross in different directions and without apparent order or trend. In fact, contemplating this collective exhibition of recent ceramic art, it becomes clear that their works have little or nothing in common, this being one of their great and remarkable qualities. It is precisely the great diversity and richness of techniques and materials, styles and influences that most stands out from today's creative ceramics.

The origin of this collection should be sought in the exhibitions held since 1994 during the ceramics fair and the works that were given at the Museo del Cántaro de Argentona during the congress of the International Academy of Ceramics held in Barcelona in 2016. Now, in In this second part of the exhibition that we inaugurated this month of July 2023, new authors and new works by some of the authors who were already exhibiting in the first edition have been incorporated. They are mainly Catalan authors, but there are also authors from France, Portugal and Argentina. It is worth noting the geographical diversity of the works. They are, without a doubt, some of the best artists in the world in the broad panorama of contemporary ceramics.