Exposición de carteles del 41 Concurso de Carteles Argillà Argentona 2020

Exposición virtual de los carteles del 41 Concurso de Carteles Argillà Argentona 2020 - Fira internacional de ceràmica

Puedes ver aquí la exposición de TODOS LOS CARTELES

Debido a la situación actual de estado de alarma por el COVID-19 la votación del jurado se ha hecho on-line y por videoconferéncia.

Exposició de cartells del 41 Concurs de Cartells Argillà Argentona 2020

Exposició virtual dels cartells del 41 Concurs de Cartells Argillà Argentona 2020 - Fira internacional de ceràmica

Pots veure l'exposició de TOTS ELS CARTELLS

Degut a la situació actual d'estat d'alarma pel COVID-19 la votació del jurat s'ha fet on-line i per videoconferència.

The Ceramic Workshop School will reopen on June 8 (PHASE 2)

The Ceramic Workshop School will reopen on June 8, as long as we are within Phase 2.

The number of students per turn will be limited to 18 students divided into 2 classrooms.



Diada de la Flor - L'Ou com balla a la font

June 1 and 2 Open days at the museum where you can visit the traditional Dancing Egg in the courtyard fountain SCHEDULE

Francesca Poza. "Esa maraña invisible que es la NADA"

Francesca Poza presents, at the Museu del Càntir d'Argentona,an exhibition where fabrics are intertwined with words

International Museum Day 2024

Open days at the Museu del Càntir where you can visit for free: Permanent exhibition of the museum + Espai Picasso.

Intensive summer courses

Intensive one-month ceramic courses for children from 5 till 12 years and adults

Hello Ceramics - Open days at the Càntir Museum

OPEN DOOR DAYS TO THE CÀNTIR MUSEUM On the occasion of HOLA CERÁMICA, an activity to promote ceramics in the

Hello Ceramics - Children's workshop: Little fingers, expert hands: turn your vase

CHILDREN'S ACTIVITY: TURN YOUR VASE Children's activity for families in which the children can make their own vase in


The jug from 2022 is the work of the designer Nani Marqina :"I have a great respect for popular craftsmanship; that’s why redesigning a “càntir” (a traditional water jug) has been a challenge for me. Craftsmanship is functionality, simplicity and, at the same time, aesthetics; a sign of sincerity."
Measurements: 20 x 15 cm
Numbered edition to 5,000 copies
Price: 25 Euros
Available in the shop



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